Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mortar and Pastle

A mortar and pestle.

mortar and pestle is a tool used to crush, grind, and mix solid substances (trituration). The pestle is a heavy bat-shaped object, the end of which is used for crushing and grinding. The mortar is a bowl, typically made of hard wood, marble, clay, or stone. The substance to be ground is placed in the mortar and ground, crushed or mixed with the pestle.

Imagine you are from year 200010 and you had found this mortar and pastel. Try to figure out what is it used for in year 2010 in a creative way. Choose three words from the mind map below randomly and draw your own mind map of it.

mortar and pastle

The three words that I've chosen are fashion, power and death..

was once a trend in fashion

as a symbol of power

used in the ceremony for the dead

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